
How To Clean An Idle Air Control Valve In A Kia Rio 2001

The vehicle (2001 Kia Rio) was having rough idling and stumbling, and every fourth dimension this happened the code was P1166 (not-specific fuel related problem). Crude idling could be due to a sticking idle air command (IAC) valve. The IAC is piece of cake to remove and inexpensive to replace, but a sticking valve can also exist easily repaired. Afterwards doing this, my idle problem was solved.

The IAC is an electrically actuated valve mounted to the throttle body, slightly above the throttle butterfly valve. If you look down the throttle body, there are two holes on the side walls. One is for supplying air to the crank case, which returns through the PCV valve and then goes to the intake manifold to consume unburnt fumes from the crankcase. The second slightly larger hole goes to the IAC valve. Air flows through the IAC valve bypassing the chief butterfly valve, and returns to the intake plenum slightly under the butterfly valve. The valve contains a modest metal plate that slides dorsum and forth to control the size of the opening. The neutral position of the plate seems to be in a slightly open position.

The 2 mounting screws are in a tight spot and required the use a correct angle driver to remove them.

The valve connector has three terminals which are labeled on the trunk. #3 and #ii opens and closes the valve. If you employ 12V to #2 and ground to #iii, information technology should open the valve fully. Mine was frozen in place even subsequently repeatedly cleaning with Brakeleen and WD-40. I had to force the plate to open with a screwdriver. Once it started to move, more soaking and cleaning freed the plate and it started to move smoothly.

The #1 wire is the feedback from the IAC, like the throttle position sensor.

The onetime gasket has to be scraped off and a new gasket should be used when reinstalling the IAC valve.

Location of the idle air control valve
Looking downward the throttle body
Throttle body with IAC removed
Actuator plate within the IAC valve


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